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A working paper or proposal will be more interesting with the correct volume method



In wire binding, pages are trimmed and assembled, holes are punched along one side, and wire is clamped down through those holes. Wire binding lays completely flat and is often used for cookbooks and manuals

Perfet binding    
Perfect binding is a process, commonly used by printers and bookmakers, where groups of pages are bound together using adhesive to create a clean, crisp and professional printed product. Glued binding. Also known as Perfect binding
saddle stihed    
What is saddle stitching?
In the printing industry, Saddle Stitching refers to a very popular book binding method in which folded sheets are gathered together one inside the other and then stapled through the fold line with wire staples. The staples pass through the folded crease from the outside and are clinched between the centermost pages
Case binding (hardcover)    
Case binding is the technical term for hardcover book binding. Pages are folded, gathered, and sewn, and a ‘case’ is made by gluing and folding a printed sheet around 3 pieces of greyboard. The pages are then glued into the case with a few extra pages called endsheets, forming an entire casebound book.    
For spiral binding, pages are trimmed and assembled, holes are punched along one side of the pages, and a plastic spiral is threaded through those holes. Spiral binding lays completely flat and is often used for cookbooks and manuals.    
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